today we had our first road trip down to the southern tip of the peninsula we live on. since the beach we live by doesnt have surf because it is so far up int the bay, we had to drive 1 1/2 hours to the closest good breaks. no worries since we have to give the rental car back tomorrow, it was a nice send off. 
we spotted our first kanga since being here. unfortunately, he missed the sign above. 
Hey Aida family! Sounds like things are working out for you guys. I just got your message on facebook, but I think Arch might have answered your question about banking. If not...definitely open an account. Westpac is an Aussie bank that's also in NZ, if you haven't opened one yet...recommend them. Have fun...maybe we'll come crash on your floor one night!
Surf or not you're so lucky to be living only blocks away from the beach. The sunshine will come. I've heard that living there is so much like South Africa. We'll have to compare notes. Keep the pictures coming. Take Care.
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