Saturday, November 22, 2008

its thanksgiving here too

I love this holiday and the last thing I wanted to do is skip it!! And what a better way to spend it than with all the great friends we were so thankful to have met here. So we had to introduce the true feast to our Ozzie friends. Heres to the Bakers, Grangers and Ryan and Sarah for joining us for a great evening. And no one cared that it was actually a roasted chicken and a turkey breast roll. yummy.


Stephanie said...

Way to induct your ozzie friends into the American ways he he. We did the same in England - although it was a little weird remembering that the pilgrims were essentially giving thanks for escaping English oppression. hmmmmmm Gotta love the food, though!

Stephanie said...

woa, my comment got cut off! I was saying way to induct your ozzie friends into the American ways he he. We did the same in England - though it was a little funny to remember that the pilgrims were essentially celebrating their escape from English oppression. hmmmm. Gotta love the food, though!

georgia & kent said...

man those Baker sound awesome...again... :) missing you guys