Wednesday, November 12, 2008

puppy love

(warning: major dog missing/venting/loving and much needed attention on my part. If you are one of those who gets upset about people comparing their dog to a kid, you may want to skip this.)

so one of the hardest things about coming here, and one of the reasons we are so excited to get back, is our Koda!! now, i dont want you to think that because we have been having fun without our beloved pup, that she hasnt been up to much fun of her own. we left our pooch with my dad back in CA and she has had her own set of aventures all her own.

First there was a road trip to oregon to visit family and her best friend Luke

Unfortunately while she was there she was skunked (mostly her fault)

So it was back on the road to CA

she did a bit of hiking up in the Sierras and Kings canyon

and tried her hand at driving my car

and her latest adventure has been to scope out the best view of the IE from the roof of my dads house.


ChrisnDave said...

Cute cute cute!!! Nice convertible - bet you look stinkin sexy in it :) And is your dad's house as massive as the one across the street?!?!? :)

Deena said...

Koda get off the roof- you crazy dog you're going to get hurt- court saw her on Friday night (up babysitting while Dan and Kristen had a party)she misses her mama!

Deena said...

Court said-"pycho" does she think she's a cat?