Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2 weeks

his nursery/ guest room... so if you could get up with him when you come visit...
Just kidding!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I want to squeeze him. Our little Briggs also hated being swaddled and had to sleep with his hands above his was funny. Rhys is such an adorable boy. He looks like such a buddy. Knowing you two, he will be quite a looker!

Danny and Kristen Woodbury said...

These pictures are absolutely adorable! The first one with his eyes open is my favorite! The first picture under "all about my boy" DOES look exactly like Justin!! :)

Annie and Jake Callister said...

He's a looker. Can't wait to meet him!

Brooke and Ryan said...

So about us coming out to visit...
Just kidding, I would love to get up with him. As long as it is before midnight and after 8 am. LOL CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM!

Megan and Greg said...

Hey, glad to see that everything is going great! I'm so happy for you guys. Hey is a cute little guy. Congrats!

Adrienne said...

He is so precious! What a beautiful little baby. I love that crazy ravenous head shake they do. It cracks me up. Good luck with the sleep deprivation. It does get better!