Friday, May 1, 2009



Megan said...

he is so handsome!! Just perfect!! You guys are the cutest family!!

Eric, Sammy, & Kami said...

He's adorable. Congratulations. He's so beautiful. I bet you just can't keep you eyes off him. What a beautiful family you guys are.

Stephanie said...

look at that sweet face! you just want to kiss those cheeks! i feel ya with the sleep thing. the first month is the roughest - in many respects, but it will get better. hang in there. :)

Theresa said...

He is so incredibly cute! Congratulations you guys!! I love these pictures of him. Very cute name! Kelly, every time I see a picture of you I think of how much you look like one of my sisters- you guys even have similar facial expressions!

Megan and Greg said...

Man, he already has perfect skin! He skipped that whole red and wrinkly newborn stage. He's beautiful!