So i know this is a short month, but is anyone else shocked to think its almost march?? As in 3 days away, I'm still trying to figure out what happened to January. Anyways, life has been rather uneventful, in a good relaxing kind of way.
We finally got all settled into our new placeand have learned all its quirks (including the leaky toilet. And by leaky I mean out from the bottom of the bowl onto the floor that they tried to tell us it was just condensation gathering. But I have lived in Oregon long enough to know that guy was full of crap!) It is a 2 bedroom house, but considering our bed is more like a small spaceship, our bed and dressers dont fit into the same room. So it turned out more like our sleeping room and our dressing room across the hall. But we love it! It sits on a half acre of protected wooded land and in a great neighborhood (in that we live in the crappiest house on the block), but even better that we get lake rights to use Lake Oswego.
view from our kitchen window

Valentines day weekend was great! We have never bought into the flowers/gifts/fancy dinner-ness of the day, so we play it down big time. We trade off who plans something (really meaning "who makes dinner") But this year Justin had the best idea that I think will be the tradition. On our first date we went to a whole-in-the-wall place in Huntington that had cheap burgers and corndogs, followed by watching the olympics games in Athens, where Justin fell asleep. (He didnt want to set the bar too high for himself...) Not that this place was any good, but little did he know I LOVE corndogs! So to celebrate, we went out to
Hot dog on a stick at the local mall. YUMMY! The next day we went down to my aunts house in Salem. We finally got to go play doubles tennis again which was a blast! We had an amazing feast of BBQ ribs -complete with grandmas homemade BBQ sauce-, baked brie goodness, and a desert that was oh-so-good! I like to call it creamcheesy-lemony-blueberry delight! (Did I mention my aunt is an amazing chef??) It was excellent!

And the weather here has been great! I think it only rained like 10 days in the whole month, which left the rest to be beautiful sunny and warm. Well, if you call 50 degrees warm. Koda and I typically go to the park every day before or after our walk. But since we only have one car, I drop off and pick up Justin almost everyday. I dont mind at all because here, the commute is only 20 minutes, and when there is realy bad traffic around 5, it only takes 30! I heart Portland! Here is our beautiful city at sunset taken while driving on top of a bridge. Now that I think about, probably not the best idea, but I thought it was so pretty.

Also My friend Clara and her adorable little boy came into town, so we got to spend some time with them. We were able to go to Eugene for a few hours on Sunday and have church and a feast with the Callisters. It was so good to see everyone again!