Wednesday, April 22, 2009


so a bit more detail... things are starting to settle down for us. Poor little guy has had a rough few days, but it such a champ! So labor started Saturday morning, contractions pretty regular but not too intense. It lasted for the next 2 days... and 2 long nights... before we rushed in to the hospital around 6am Monday morning. A few hours later, he came! He was having some respiratory distress when he came out so they had to run him into NICU. They gave him some oxygen, hence the reason for all the tubes, just to make sure everything is ok and let him adjust to life a little easier. He was weaned off it later Monday night and has been doing great ever since. Hes still in NICU with a few eating issues, like not hungry, but he is getting so much better with that too! Hopefully we get him within the next few days! But he really is doing great and all the Dr.'s say he that he has been making huge improvements. So I get discharged today and we are still waiting to here about him.

So yesterday, he had his first modeling gig! The people from Philips electronics have some new baby monitors and wanted to use a baby in their pics, and the guy chose Rhys! It was so funny to see him at 1 day old getting his pic taken!

Now, his name... It sounds like "Reece" but in Australia, they spell it this way. And since he's our little Ausie baby, we thought it only appropriate! Im thinking no one ever guessed it!

Oh, and dont be so hard on Justin. Once the epidural kicked in, I was able to take a much needed break and he used that time to inform everyone of the impending outcome! He is the best person I could have had at my side, and did so much to help and keep me calm! And his Adidas job found out and gave him the rest of the week off, which considering this was his last week working there, he now has nothing to do but hang out with us till the end of May because he is all done with school!!! YEA!!


Heather Heaton said...

I am so glad he is doing well! I LOVE his name!! what a cutie!! oh and congrats!! how early was he? I really need to send your gift like now!!! Anyways i am so excited for you guys, is adorable!

ChrisnDave said...

Yay Kelly, thanks for filling us in with some details!!! Glad you hear you're fine, and that he's recovering quickly! And of course you have a supermodel baby - what do you expect coming from gorgeous parents?!?! :)
Ok, now I need to get my bootie out to the NW to meet this little man...

The Grahams said...

Congrats you guys!! Happy to hear he is doing better and hopefully he will get to come home soon! Kelly I am so sorry to hear about your long labor.... that's how it was for me with Jackson (2 1/2 days and went in the hospital finally at a 6 and he was born just a few hours later). Just know my 2nd was only 7 hours long, so there's hope! :) Congrats again and enjoy every second! Wish we were in Oregon right now to come see him! We will have to get together when we get back!

georgia & kent said...

You've done a great job guys! Rhys is on his way to a star modelling career - he'll have to come up with his own version of 'blue steel', but I'm sure Justin can help out.

Do you have a glider chair at home? If you want our's your more than welcome...hang on... you already broke ours!! HA, just kidding!

Danny and Kristen Woodbury said...

Hooray for baby Rhys!!! He's sooo long! Wow, he's going to be one tall boy! :) I'm glad everything went well with you and that Rhys will be getting out of the NICU soon! Can't wait to meet him! And Ashlyn too! We love you! Good luck with the recovery process!

Megan and Greg said...

Glad to hear that he is doing well!

I can't believe you are DONE with school! I am so jealous, but I guess I can't complain too much since I'll be done soon enough (August). Anyway, congrats on the baby and school. Exciting times for you guys!


Adrienne said...

Congrats! He is adorable. I'm sure you guys are loving on him like crazy! It just gets better as they grow. Enjoy every minute.

Errin said...

Congrats! He is beautiful. We hope everything continues to go well.

The Mid Life Guru said...

Welcome to the adventure of parenthood. You started off with a bang!!! I bet you loved having your mom there for a while. I will look forward to future posts of your growing baby Rhys. xxoo