Saturday, April 11, 2009

hate mail

Dear Lady at the Joanns Fabrics,

Next time you ask someone how far along they are in their pregnancy, please engage inner monologue if you plan on telling them, "Your huge!" Especially if you plan to follow that comment up with "Really, your only eight months? I would have guessed any day now!" In fact, when meeting someone for the first time, stick to small talk topics where you are likely not to offend them, such as their favorite slurpee flavor. All topics relating to weight, age, and overall appearance should be avoided like the plague. And if everyone in the line looks at you with shock and disdain, please stop all further comments relating to that subject. Because if I wasn't initially so shocked to think of any other reaction than to laugh, I would have crawled over the little counter separating us to strangle you after I bawled my eyes out! Just a thought.



Jill said...

People suck. (But you're beautiful.)

ChrisnDave said...

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Anyway, you know its not true so just ignore her. Lame lame lame. What's most important is that you have a healthy baby in there - who even cares how you look!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh sweetie! Clearly she left her humanity at home that day! :S I know what you must have felt - I remember getting reactions like those, as if I didn't already feel like a house, thank you very much. People are seriously dumb. You are beautiful.

Chelsea and Rusty said...

LAME!! i swear some people do not THINK before they speak!!

georgia & kent said...


georgia & kent said...

oopppss...anyway Georgia had something like that happen to her, but I'm sure she's told you about it already. I think Justin needs to join our footy tipping page on the afl web site. Tell him that he needs to register and join the footy tipping group called 'footy experts' password 'gocrows'

See ya

Eric, Sammy, & Kami said...

People can be so rude. Don't let some stupid lady get you down. Who doesn't know that prego is the new skinny:)

Heather Heaton said...

some people are so ridiculous!!! Don't worry I am pretty sure every pregnant runs into one of these winners some time during those long nine months! Hey I lost your address!! and I still need to send you the little gift I got for the little guy! So maybe you can facebok me your address!! that would be wonderful!! and don't worry about that stupid person! you are like the cutest pregnant girl ever!

Deena said...

OK- to put this in perspective...Kel, the lady was psycho! Your reaction was the best because it showed everyone there witnessing her babbling monologue more and more what a class act you are. Love ya, Mom