Wednesday, June 10, 2009

and we're off

...To another blog that is. Come join us please!

Friday, June 5, 2009

all the rave

I was never one big into rice pudding, but this wonderful creation has me hooked. Our friends, the MacLennans, introduced us to this delicious treat that is dare I say... better than Pinkberry. A must try for all those pudding lovers and skeptics alike.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

another [dilemma]

my inability to spell anything bigger than my name [and even that ive been know to screw up]

thats what i get for blogging in the middle of the night. in all honesty, though, it probably didnt make much of a difference. spelling is not my strong point...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


whats a girl to do when her husbands computer is broke/retarded and he needs to use her computer all day for more important things than her blogging and facebook addiction, like studying for the BAR, perhaps the most important test of his life?... use it at 2am, while you curse the fact that he is fast asleep in the other room.

another fabulous weekend

This time some of our best friends came in to town to spend 4 glorious days! We haven't seen them in almost a year, as they live in SLC. They came out to meet Rhys and catch up on playing like we used to when we all lived in Eugene. We pulled out all our best material on Brooke and Ryan to intice them to move back to the northwest. Friday was spent paddleboarding and eating at Cheesecake Factory. Saturday was spent back down at our Oasis, and Sunday relaxing and enjoying the 90 degree weather. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!

Rhys was loving the super cute blanket brooke had made him

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

memorial day weekend

[nap time]
[justin studying hard for the bar]
what better way to spend a beautiful memorial day weekend than swimming at your own little oasis... also known as my aunts house. Rhys has had his first couple sleep-overs and does so well. not to mentions he Loves sleeping outside! he will take naps for so much longer and better if he gets to have some fresh air.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

1 month young

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

pics from the weekend

"what are you lookin' at?"

snugglin' with uncle james


snugglin' with daddy

so upset!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

the graduate

Justin graduated from law school this weekend! Yeah! I'm so proud of him and cant believe how fast the past 3 years have flown by! Now on to studying for the BAR. And before we know it, real life kicks in when he starts working in September! Then we are on to a 40 hours work week, 2 weeks vacation, and hopefully a mortgage! Iim going to miss spring break, christmas vacation and summer's off! Oh, real life should be reevaluated!

Justins family came out for the event and to meet Rhys. It was great having them here and seeing how much they adored him already. My dad also came up, he doesnt need much of an excuse to come visit his currently favorite grandson and family.

welcome to the family!

I'm so excited for our first triathlon together!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

adios adidas

[J hard at work on the soccer field during lunch]
[Shaq's old shoes]

[I would really like to be the lucky lady who works at that desk! I would gladly show up to work everyday, but probably get nothing done!]

Justin had his ast day at Adidas and turned in his employee badge. We are sure going to miss those discounts!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

bath time


weighing in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. Im such a big boy now!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

a day for mothers

to all the fabulous mothers and women... May you feel special for all your hard work, unconditional love and selfless devotion.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2 weeks

his nursery/ guest room... so if you could get up with him when you come visit...
Just kidding!

All about my boy

-You sleep a ton! Its hard to get pictures with your eyes open because you still sleep so much
-You get the biggest smile right before you poop!
-you are the noisiest eater. You act so ravenous when your hungry with this manic head shaking thing
-you hate getting your diaper changed! But hate sitting in a dirty diaper even more
-not such a fan of the swaddling thing either. You would much rather just be covered.
-you have big beautiful gray blue eyes.
-You follow mine and daddy's voice when we talk to you.
-you have been gaining weight like a champ!
-you get hiccups several times a day!
-you are the spitting image of your dad
-you have the longest little arms and legs, no wonder you were cramping up my ribs
-I can put you down, and you will often put yourself to sleep.
-You make all kinds of noises when you sleep
-you like to sleep with your arms above your head
-you are such a good snuggle bug, you fit right in
-you are already so spoiled with our love and attention, but dont worry, that will never stop

Friday, May 1, 2009


Looks like the crazy lady from JoAnn's isnt so crazy after all, considering he came just over a week later. I still think all comments on her part should be kept to herself.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear sleep,

I miss you.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

going home

Rhys finally got discharged on thursday and how exciting it was to get back home. My dad and brother flew up on Monday to meet the little man.
My mom came up on to help us get used to taking care of him at home
Meeting koda

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


so a bit more detail... things are starting to settle down for us. Poor little guy has had a rough few days, but it such a champ! So labor started Saturday morning, contractions pretty regular but not too intense. It lasted for the next 2 days... and 2 long nights... before we rushed in to the hospital around 6am Monday morning. A few hours later, he came! He was having some respiratory distress when he came out so they had to run him into NICU. They gave him some oxygen, hence the reason for all the tubes, just to make sure everything is ok and let him adjust to life a little easier. He was weaned off it later Monday night and has been doing great ever since. Hes still in NICU with a few eating issues, like not hungry, but he is getting so much better with that too! Hopefully we get him within the next few days! But he really is doing great and all the Dr.'s say he that he has been making huge improvements. So I get discharged today and we are still waiting to here about him.

So yesterday, he had his first modeling gig! The people from Philips electronics have some new baby monitors and wanted to use a baby in their pics, and the guy chose Rhys! It was so funny to see him at 1 day old getting his pic taken!

Now, his name... It sounds like "Reece" but in Australia, they spell it this way. And since he's our little Ausie baby, we thought it only appropriate! Im thinking no one ever guessed it!

Oh, and dont be so hard on Justin. Once the epidural kicked in, I was able to take a much needed break and he used that time to inform everyone of the impending outcome! He is the best person I could have had at my side, and did so much to help and keep me calm! And his Adidas job found out and gave him the rest of the week off, which considering this was his last week working there, he now has nothing to do but hang out with us till the end of May because he is all done with school!!! YEA!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Rhys Hideki Aida

wt: 6 lb 1 oz
length: 21 in.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Baby on the Way

Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is Justin, I never write on this but Kelly is a bit pre-occupied right now since she is in labor!!!  So far so good, Kelly is dilated to an 8 and the doctor feels the baby should be well on its way.  Bless her heart, when we got here she was already at 7, but was holding out so I could get some more sleep in.  We both are a bit surprised (and a little unprepared) though since he wasn't supposed to come till May 8th.   Hopefully, his crib will arrive in the next few days.  Till then he'll have to bunk down with mom and dad.  Well, I better go.  Tune in soon as I will give play by play from the birth canal.... or maybe just some post birth pictures.  

Saturday, April 11, 2009

hate mail

Dear Lady at the Joanns Fabrics,

Next time you ask someone how far along they are in their pregnancy, please engage inner monologue if you plan on telling them, "Your huge!" Especially if you plan to follow that comment up with "Really, your only eight months? I would have guessed any day now!" In fact, when meeting someone for the first time, stick to small talk topics where you are likely not to offend them, such as their favorite slurpee flavor. All topics relating to weight, age, and overall appearance should be avoided like the plague. And if everyone in the line looks at you with shock and disdain, please stop all further comments relating to that subject. Because if I wasn't initially so shocked to think of any other reaction than to laugh, I would have crawled over the little counter separating us to strangle you after I bawled my eyes out! Just a thought.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

weekend recap

this boy is happiest in the water! He finaly got to try out his christmas present. He has been patiently waiting for a chance to try the paddle board, and in the 2 hours of no rain this weekend, he got his chance in the Willamette River. I'm pretty eager to try it out too, but there was no way I was getting into that water, it was soo cold!
He also joined a local Ausie Rules Football team and they had their first game this weekend. He was so excited, he could control his urge to tackle everyone who got near him. That includes taking down this kid into a huge puddle! It was hilarious!

"good on 'ya mate!"